THE 80s / 90s GREATEST   –   TV Series

National Geographic   –   3x  30min

The ’90s Greatest is a 10-part, fun-packed, nostalgia-filled series for National Geographic that features interviews with some of the decades’ favourite celebrities – looking at the greatest moments from the decade of sex, celebrity and scandal!
When the ‘90s kicked off, the Berlin Wall had just fallen and, across the nation, other walls were coming down – between public and private, news and entertainment, reality and fantasy. The lines were blurred like never before.

The ’80s Greatest is a 10-part, fun-packed, nostalgia-filled series for National Geographic that features interviews with some of the decades’ favourite celebrities such as Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen, Michael J Fox, David Hasselhoff and Joan Collins.


Jon edited as part of a team, each editing multiple episodes across both series.

Production: Nutopia
Exec Producer: Ben Goold

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